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College Students

As a student, you probably change your address more frequently than the average voter. Remember to update your voter registration every time you move. You can update your address online with VoteWAby mail or in person.  

Residential address

Your residential address determines which candidates and measures will be on your ballot. This must be a Washington State address that you consider home.

If you live on campus and provide a campus address as your residential address, be sure to list your dormitory and room number; a PO Box is not a residential address.

For more information on voting residency, visit Residency Requirements​

Mailing address

Your mailing address is where your ballot will be mailed. It does not impact the ballot measures and candidates that will appear on your ballot. Your ballot can be sent to you anywhere in the world. For example, you may list your parents’ home as your residential address, but a  PO Box at college as your mailing address.

Out-of-state students

You may register to vote in Washington if you have established a residential address in the state. You may vote in only one state. If you were previously registered in another state, cancel your registration in that state when you register in Washington.

Study abroad

You can vote from anywhere in the world. Update your mailing address online with VoteWA or contact your county elections department.

Voting in two places is a felony

You may only vote once; you may only vote in one county in one state. Keep this in mind when deciding if you want to list your home or school address for your voter registration. Should you accidentally receive two ballots, vote only once.