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Candidate Statement - Beverly Clark

Beverly Clark

Elected Experience: No information submitted

Other Professional Experience: Management Analyst with Washington State focusing on project management and legislative work. Past Early Childhood Special Education Teacher. Former foster parent.

Education: Graduate Centralia High School, Centralia, WA. Graduate Centralia College. Graduate Western Washington University—BA Early Childhood Special Education. 

Community Service: Volunteer in children's school activities. Combined Fund Drive participant. Former Timberland Library Board member. Participated in Relay for Life for several years.

Statement: As the mother of two children attending public school in Centralia, I am running for Centralia’s School Board because I’m passionate about public education and committed to making our schools exceptional. I will work with teachers, parents, and community to ensure Centralia students receive the world-class education they deserve. I will make every effort to prepare our students for the workforce and ensure they have the tools for college or careers.

A quality education for our students depends on attracting and keeping quality teachers. The Board’s budgetary decisions must reflect this priority. I will proactively solicit the opinions of parents and teachers in making Board decisions, and will make the Board responsive to community needs and work to improve test scores and graduations rates while strengthening enrichment programs. The School Board’s job is fostering an educational environment where students thrive.

Working with teachers, parents, administrators, and school employees we will promote investment in better learning environments and working conditions. I will use my voice to refocus our administration on what is truly important-our children, teaching, and learning.

I promise to strive for excellence, ask tough questions and demand thorough, transparent answers. I respectfully ask for your vote.

Contact:, 830 E St, Centralia, WA 98531

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